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Violin makers in Takoma Park, MD
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Potter Violins
master violinmaker, restorer
trade, repair, restoration, leasing
Potter Violins grew to be one of the leading dealers of fine stringed instruments since it was founded in 1996 by Dalton Potter, an experienced violin maker and restorer, who started his business as a string shop and provider of professional luthier services at affordable rates. Today the company is maintaining relationships to renowned master violin makers all over the world and understands its mission as being a "concierge" service to demanding professional musicians who are looking for the best instrument or bow for their artistic ideas.
Alongside rental plans, appraisals and consignment sales Potter Violins offers repair and restoration services for instruments and bows, with a specialised team of luthiers who are trusted with finest historic instruments by international artists and owners.
The staff at Potter Violins:
- Christopher Jacoby, Workshop Manager
- Lisa He, Instrument Repair
- John Nickels, Instrument Repair
- Richard Wang, Instrument Repair
- Robert Wood, Instrument Repair
- Jerry Skiscim, Bow Repair